Going behind Scala's recursion

There are times when we might want to call a function which calls itself repeatedly n number of times. In my career programming with Java so far, I have not written any single recursive functions, the main reason being that writing recursion was hard with Java. Java is best suited for an iterative approach. Sometimes a recursive code is a bit hard to read and follow. It is not that self intuitive as with an iteration.

Behind the scenes, during each function call the local variables used within the function are placed on something called a call stack. The stack is unfortunately and fortunately limited in size and resources. If our recursive logic spirals out of control, we could very quickly fill up such a stack, deplete all your resources and bring our entire application down. We certainly want to avoid this from happening, so we write iterative logic which has a certain definite exit point, thus preventing us from any stack overflow errors.

A functional language like Scala handles recursion much more elegantly and invites us to favour recursion instead of iteration.

Broadly speaking, there are two kinds of recursion in Scala, the head recursion and the tail recursion. The main difference between the two is in the way Scala handles the function evaluation with the function call. In head recursion, the function makes a recursive call, the body of the function is evaluated using the result of the recursive call. In case of tail recursion, the function body is evaluated first, the result of the evaluation is used to make the recursive call. If there was no concept called tail recursion in Scala, we would have been still left to deal with stack overflows like we experience in Java, but tail recursion does some magic behind the scenes for us. Not so clear? Let's look at some practical examples:

1def headRecursive(intList: List[Int]): Int = {
2  if (intList.length == 0) 0
3  else intList.head + headRecursive(intList.tail)
6val sumOfInts = headRecursive(List(1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9)) // prints 45

Other than me defining the method name in the code snippet above to be called headRecursive, we can say that it is a head recursive function. If you take a deeper look into the method again, in the else block, to evaluate the line:

1"intList.head + headRecursive(intList.tail)", 

a call to the headRecursive(intList.tail) has to return. What happens effectively is that the recursive call is first made, then the head of the List is added to the result of the recursive call, the value is then finally returned.

So the runtime needs to know what was the value of the head element in the List, the result of the recursive call and it has to somehow store them into something called a call stack. So effectively, there is one call stack per recursive call. There is now an obvious reason to worry about stack overflows in case of a relatively huge List.

Let's now understand how tail recursion helps us solve this problem with the same example tweaked a little:

2def tailRecursive(intList: List[Int], accumulator: Int): Int = {
3  if (intList.length == 0) accumulator
4  else tailRecursive(intList.tail, accumulator + intList.head)
7val sumOfInts = tailRecursive(List(1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9), 0) // prints 45

The difference now is pretty straight forward, no not just in the method name, but the last call in the method is actually calling itself without any additional calculation which expects the method to first return the value and then perform the calculation. In the tail recursive case above, the sum is first evaluated (in the accumulator + intList.head) and then the recursive call is made.

This way, there is no need for the runtime to store the local variables during each recursive call in a call stack. The runtime can re-enter the same call stack again and again thereby eliminating completely a potential stack overflow error. Was that clear enough?